Wednesday 31 October 2012

Clissold Park

Moving to London has been one of the best things I have done. I love Australia, don't get me wrong, it will always be my home and I can't wait to return but having this change has been so delightful thus far. It really is the gateway to Europe. 
However, don't forget that you still need money to travel and as Winter approaches, the days certainly are getting shorter and the odd feeling of homesickness begins kicks in when people ask the unanswerable question (When am I coming home), I found that to shake this off I have to stop and take the time out to remember why I am here and think of all the great things London has to offer- Clissold Park being one of them. 

This park is located literally around the corner from my place. When I arrived and first walked through this park I was immediately bombarded with childhood memories but now that I've settled in and repeated myself enough times to stop reminiscing for a while I have begun to appreciate the beauty of this place and its many uses. This park is the most used park in London per square metre (beat that Hyde Park) and it is beautful. There is something magical about walking/running through this place at any time of the year. Whether it was seeing the baby chicks grow around the lake in Spring, the countless children playing sports and people picnicing in Summer or the majestical leaves falling from the trees in Autumn an soon- the snow blanketing the ground in Winter this places is wonderful.

Although its getting a bit too cold for daily runs (joined the gym!) in the park its still nice to come here each week. They have deers, chickens, squirrels, tennis courts, a skate park and a massive playground. It even has one of the oldest cemeteries and Church in London next to it. 

Still wanting to travel means I have to work and save so in order for this to be successful I cant be going to the pub every weekend and there is only so much sight seeing to do. I've turned a new perspective and look forward to doing as many 'free things' as possible. This being one of them-and a favourite. Stay tuned as I share with you more 'free things' and develop a 'London Bucket List' to keep the excitement of London living alive throughout the Winter. Christmas is here and the vibe is something different over here- something I can't wait for!

Enjoy the pics of the beauty of Clissold Park

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