

Greece. The land of greek salads, gyros, historical sites, sunsets and greasy people. We knew this place would rape our wallets but didn’t quite determine just how badly. Island hopping is a must throughout the Summer and for the islands which lacked, the others definitely made up for. We spent just over 2 weeks in Greece and even though it had its ups and down for us, we all agreed that it is just one of those places you MUST return to.

After our alternative route to Athens we were all so buggered as we arrived at the hostel at 6am and fell asleep in their common room until about 10am when we finally decided to shower and go sight see. The major attraction to Athens is the Acropolis and being a teacher I am all for going to these places, learning some history and taking photos for classroom use and so on but this was either a major let down or really not our day. It was so hot, the museum provided little to no information and the actual site was covered in cranes, retracting us from even going up there. There you go, that was our sight seeing done in a couple of hours. We must have been crazy because we all decided to go back to the hostel, check in and create a den, something we had banned back in Spain yet were all way too eager to do (den being a stuck in the room on computers, sleeping or reading). We were over Athens before we could even give it a chance and glad that we were only there for one night. My advice, you don’t even need that night, get in and out of Athens as soon as you can. I’d say to stay away but it’s the major port of call to get to the islands and fly out of, expensive as it is.

Our first island was Mykonos. There is a debate between many Australians as to which island is better: Mykonos or Ios. I have to quite easily say IOS. Mykonos just didn’t do it for us and it didn’t help as the other girls, whom we were meeting back up with had left after one night and proceeded to tell us via text how much better Ios was. We stayed at Paraga Beach Hostel, which was great and I recommend that to anyone staying there. The ‘tents’ aren’t too bad, even if they kind of make you feel like your in the army, we had an excellent view of the beach at our door and the water was the clearest we had seen in Europe thus far. However, the food was ridiculously expensive (6.50 euro for a fresh OJ) and some of the poorest tasting food yet.

We headed out to the clubs that night, skipping Tropicana as it was 90% guys and full of Italians, instead drinking in the common area of our hostel and headed straight to Cava Paradiso. For 40 euro we got to see Benni Benassi. This was a good night and none of us got home until the early hours of the morning. We spent the next day relaxing and lazing about on the beach then had an early dinner, wanting to be fresh for the ferry and what Ios had to show.  The next day, we put our travelling outfits on and headed for the port, happy to say farewell to Mykonos and for me, quite certain that I probably won’t be going back there anytime soon.

We planned on having afternoon drinks with the girls as we arrived in Ios and it wasn’t too long into the ferry that we realised that we had actually booked the slow one instead of the fast meaning that those afternoon drink plans were diminished and also meaning that we didn’t get there until 9pm. Ouch!

Determined to go out though we dumped our bags in the shabby tent that Far Out camping provides and caught the bus up to Francesco’s in the town centre where the girls were staying. Our first night out was simply just a tester, entering all the different small bars and clubs that Ios provides as well as meeting the many ….. you guessed it-Australians. This is just like Lagos, only on steroids and with a much more recognisable landscape. Those white buildings with hints of blue, sprawled all over the dry hills and cliff tops that overlook the beautiful beaches and coves. Far Out Camping has its name for a reason…it is far out from the village so at 6am when I decided it was time to go home I had no way of getting there as the buses hadn’t quite started yet. Lucky I bumped back into Becky at the kebab shop and managed to steal her bed off her for the night whilst she went off with some of her newfound friends. Sleeping in until lunch time I managed to eventually return to my tent, shower, change and make my way back into town for lunch and footy with the girls all whilst reminding myself that I must get a bike today. Upon arrival at lunch Toma, Nat and Danielle informed me that where we was staying was terrible and that we were moving closer to town immediately-fine by me! What was so wrong? The tent we were in was more like a gazebo, had no zipper on its door, you couldn’t put anything on the floor without getting dirt and dust on it as it was the actual ground that nature provides and the gusts of wind made the walls of the tent flap about all night, allowing little sleep. On top of that Nat woke up with her whole body covered in rashes and after going to the doctors (her second home in Europe) they said she had been bitten by something, most likely white termites so off to find a new place to stay.

Francesco’s was booked out but we managed to find a decent place for 15 euro (Far out was 12) called Petradi which was 400m from town. We got bikes, myself a scooter and Toma a quad then met the girls at Harmony, a quaint little Mexican restaurant overlooking the beach. The food here is pretty good, not the greatest but definitely can tame any Mexican cravings you have when travelling. The atmosphere is much better though. It’s a place when you can sit with your friends and relax over a few drinks, listening to the live band/acoustic players/singers and really feel like you are on a holiday. This reminded me of the days in Bali where you spend it with so many friends at a restaurant, making me wish that more of my friends were here to share that moment with us.

Each night that followed we did relatively the same thing, sleep in, food, beach, drink at hostel or out for dinner, meet up at Francesco’s go on a mini pub crawl, both to usual spots and each night mixing it up with different bars along the way such as Slammer bar (do a shot then get hit in the head), orange bar (some of the weirdest shots here), coos (R n B), shamrock (for Irish and rock experiences), Flames (get your face painted), circus (do a shot then suck in some Nos from a balloon) before you finally end up at Rehab then Ios bakery to chill for a while and for those who want to kick on we usually went to Sweet Irish Dreams and then back to whoever calls a room party. Days turned into nights and before you knew it a week in Ios was coming to an end. Everyone was beside themselves as this place provided the best atmosphere and night life as well as so many new friends so when the day came for us all to leave everyone had their sad faces on and begun to think about which countries they could cut short in hopes of returning or extending. For me though, this is definitely on my list of places to return to next Summer.

Next stop, Santorini- The island of sunsets, romance, proposals and marriage. Let’s just say that if anyone took me to this place on my honeymoon or proposed to me here I’d leave them. This place is so overrated, yes it is beautiful but everyone knows about it so there is no romance or private moments shared as it is full of people doing the same thing. The island itself is one of the poorest of them all with dry and scarce land everywhere you look. With Ios withdrawals and a realisation that I haven’t had a night off drinking in almost three weeks I used this place as a detox and time to relax, only it turned out to be quite the opposite. As soon as we got there the girls rushed to chase a sunset (which was really beautiful) and the next day we got up and rushed to make a volcanic tour that was useless and frankly a waste of money (at least we gave it a go and got out). With disappointment lingering I skipped the second sunset and opted for a shower and some Holly time, the relaxation I needed. I was ready to let my body get sick from all the pressure I put on it but oddly and I guess lucky enough I was fine.

Finally on our last day/night we played beach hopping because each beach is rather different here. First we went to black beach which reminded us of Bali, Asians selling DVD’s, sunnies and massages and with the sand being black it wasn’t long until we wanted to move along due to burnt feet. Red beach was next up and this was yet another let down. We didn’t quite know what to expect but when we were faced with a beach cove surrounded by a large red rock it took us 15 minutes before we turned around and headed for the pool of our resort, a massive rarity for us beach goers.

Our ferries out of here didn’t leave until midnight so we made the infamous trek to Oia to gaze at the horizon as the sun went down. We opted for a random set of stairs instead of the castle or any expensive cafes and bars. With the mini mart next to us we stocked up on pringles, chips, dips, ice cream and for some an alcoholic beverage (2 days was tough for me so far but I was still sticking it out). As the sun went down we took many selfies, group shots and those with the ones next to us or our travel buddies. We watched as the crowds poured in, people rode donkeys up the hill, couples kissed and the sky turned a variety of colours. We were told this but when it happened we were still shocked……everyone claps when the sun has gone down. What the hell?? Of course we saw someone get proposed to and another couple marry, making us all think of loved ones we have left at home or for some the fact that they have no loved one.

Back at the hostel we grabbed our bags and headed to the port to catch our ferries. It was here that Toma and I said farewell to the girls as we reunited as a duo, heading to Corfu and some of Eastern Europe whilst they go and explore Turkey. Greece wasn’t over for us yet but so far it had been a great tester for us, making it much more clearer that when we return Ios is where we will spend every possible day!

To read up on our Corfu adventures click here.

Becky summing up Santorini in one sentence..

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