
There is so much to say about Croatia that it needs a page as well as a post to be able to go in depth as we did so much.  After our Serbian farm food coma we took the train and entered Zargreb, Croatia’s capital, where we would overnight on our way to Slovenia. Once back in Zargreb our Croatian experiences would officially begin. We kicked it off with a self-guided walking tour and were determined to walk our fat asses off all day (yes we have all been Euro injected and it is horrible) yet by the end we somehow took a ‘wrong turn’ and ended up shopping for new clothes, ones that fitted more comfortably. Upon our walk home we decided to visit the Museum of Broken Relationships which was rather interesting and the concept very innovative. This museum housed a collection of items that partners had sent in which held some form of significance to them. The object was presented with a brief explanation as to why they have 'donated' it to the museum. Let's just say that some relationships are really effed up and others simply need to get a life and move on. After our emotional spill, we felt it was time to head home with a stop off at the supermarket to make our tuna salads and managed to NOT buy any chips or junk food (just yet another burek at the bakery, you’d think we’d never had them before- these are spinach pastries…..bad food!)

Back at our hostel we ate, showered and were almost ready to settle in for a quite night when we had new roommates who convinced us to come downstairs and join the pub-crawl…the beginning of the end. I must say however that this pub-crawl was extremely fun and who knew that Zargreb would have such a great nightlife. We met loads of great travellers and witnessed a variety of bars; hidden, street and beach and finally gave rakie another go (the honey one is the best thus far). We were hammered and the night became a blur yet would turn out to provide us with some extremely interesting story time the next morning. Such as me putting Nat in a trolley and ramming into people and walls, telling French guys that is illegal to French kiss in public, losing each other, pretending to have photos caught kissing then actually kissing, Danielle coming for a taxi ride to the club only to turn back and go home instead. The first half of the group left whilst Nat and I were left behind to dance the night away and watch the sunrise and by the time we arrived back at the hostel we left ourselves with less than an hour to sleep, pack our bags, have breakfast and be ready for Platvice lakes, a highlight of Croatia. Whilst Nat decided to simply stay up I attempted shut eye and realised later that it only made it worse.

Our day was to consist of a visit to the lakes and a transfer to Split where we would spend the next week before the Croatia Sail. These lakes are amazing. I really hate to use that word but they do deserve it. The colours of the lakes were incredible and whole structure of the National Park, untouched. You were not allowed to swim in the lakes and must stick to the boardwalk at all times. It was a lovely walk and I highly recommend you go when you are not hung over. The water is fresh so we stopped off regularly to splash ourselves and fill our bottles but we were simply too slow to be able to cover all that we wanted and instead stuck to the northern parts of the lake. Once again trying to tell ourselves that we will see it when we come back (this is becoming rather reoccurring these days) and once we had seen pictures of it in the winter we were convinced.

Off to Split and we had already booked our accommodation. DO NOT DO THIS. As soon as we got off the bus we were offered apartments left right and centre, much cheaper and slightly better located. Spewing! Nevertheless the place we stayed at was quite nice and we soon turned it into a tip sight with our bags exploding all over the floors… it actually was a disgusting sight but we needed to do washing and repack everything ‘neatly’.
A week in Split. Previous travellers have told us that Split is a really nice place and that they could spend weeks there. One week was enough for me, possibly two. I didn’t fall in love with it as I expected but I do believe that once back in Aus I will rave about it like everyone did once it is mentioned because it can be fun, you just have to do the right things.

We spent the week relaxing, taking the time off from drinking to repair our bodies, got some healthy foods into us (plenty of seafood dinners), exercise, lazed at the beach and touched base with home. We headed to the ‘beach’ that was full of cigarette butts and floating empty cups or band aids but after a day or two learnt that there was a much nicer and proper beach in the opposite direction. The old town was gorgeous with its small, narrow and winding streets yet somehow we never managed to get lost, even when we tried! We met back with Jordy and Dougie who we met in Lagos and welcomed all our other friends as they arrived in Split to begin the Croatia sail. Now this is where the fun begins. Click here to read more

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