Wednesday 3 October 2012


Oktoberfest!! That time of the year where everyone drinks beer, even if you don’t like it. Until Europe, I never drank beer but before I left Sydney I tried to get used to it. There wasn’t a point because the beer is much different over here (wish someone would have told me that back then when I was ‘trying’). I like the beer over here, much nicer. However, I will admit one thing….I still think Prague had the best beer! But lets not get into that.

We arrived in Munich the day before the festival begun, missing the hundreds game (which I completely forgot about and would have loved to watch) and upon our late arrival we raced around town to find the cheapest outfits. Apparently they don’t even put the prices up and instead remain the same 100-200 euro always yet we managed to find a small little store selling basic costumes for 50 euro…more so our budget, wanting to spend more money at the festival. We met up with everyone for Mexican and drinks but soon called it an early night, saving ourselves for the early alarm clocks and the long wait tomorrow.

6am and we struggled to get up, dressed and meet everyone out the front, knowing that we had to wait until 8:30am when the doors opened and then 12pm until the first keg was smashed and the festival officially begun. We got to the doors by 7:15 and trust it to start raining on us. With skimpy jackets (knowing we will lose them) we struggled to stay warm and our tummies were rumbling so we all huddled in and managed to share the few food items that Lozzy remembered to bring (savior!). As the time drew nearer we worked out our game plans; those who were the fastest would run in and secure as many tables as possible for us. How that failed! By 8:30am we realised that we had been heavily tricked and directed to a side door, as many others had and the main door was just over the fence so before we even registered that we mightn’t get in Danielle was already over the fence and pushing her way in, next was Larissa and once I had thrown my camera to Toma I soon followed. We jumped right to the front door and pushed our way in, securing three long tables. Angie soon followed and told us that everyone had made their way to the entrance and were coming. Celebrations all around for scoring such a good spot however it was now time to wait. Three hours with no alcohol and everyone was already stinging. Instead opting for breakfast from one of the many food sellers as well as soft drink to ease the thirst.

A few of us ventured off to find fellow travellers that we had organised to meet in this tent (Hofbrau) and soon found them. Beau, Renee and Katie from our Turkey trip, as well as the boys from Corfu and Croatia Sail. Everyone was in such a happy spirit and we even met new friends that some of us other girls had met too along the way. It was one big party and everyone was going off, singing songs, smiling and catching up. By midday everyone was revved up and as that hammer smashed the keg cheers of joy and excitement filled the air. The bar maids got to work as fast as they could and within minutes our drinks were here. It is insane how these girls can carry so many at once (10 was our highest recorded=10L). It wasn’t long until we saw numerous people attempting the ultimate litre skull, for those who succeeded a massive cheer and those who failed a long a deep boo. A few girls even got up and gave it a crack and Becky, well Becky did so at half litre and let it trickle all down her chest-but she got the cheer so well done!

Time goes by so quickly when you have no need to leave a tent. The toilets were a death trap and resembled something more of a riot scene once everyone had broken the seal, but there was no stopping of drinks, they just kept coming and we soon had quite a collection. Of course glasses were smashed from those oh so strong cheers we all made, photos were taken (it didn’t happen unless there were photos remember!) and everyone slowly began to talk more and more rubbish or become hopeless romances with someone else (best people watching moments here). By 8pm someone called the after party at Stoke Travel’s campsite and we all slowly made our way back into the cold, leaving our beer covered jumpers on the floor and swinging by the hostel for new ones. En route Toma and I found Del and we ordered a half metre sausage-insane! Once at the campsite we instantly thought of the bull run and whilst we were semi spewing for a second that we chose not to camp it worked out just as good because we still gained entry into the campsite and free drinks yet by the end of the night had a warm bed to go back to and decent showers- best of both worlds. Semo was working as a DJ and Tully behind he bar so what better mix for a good night. We caught up with all the boys that remained at the campsite to watch Souths lose (yes!) and missed out on one messy day! Dancing the night away we managed to call it quits eventually and regain strength for day 2 of 3.

This time we all slept in and made it to the festival by midday. Struggling to secure massive tables today some of us opted to try out the Lowenbrau and managed to find a table outside in the sun. We ordered chicken and pork knuckle whilst trying out the new beer and enjoying the rays but eventually went inside for some unexpected sing-a-longs. The drunken songs were out and everyone thought that they were the next Oktoberfest idols, hugging their beers in one hand and the other over someone else’s shoulder we all swayed as we belted the tunes and tried to record some of the moments. This festival was great and nothing like I had ever been to before! Before the night wasted away and we got too drunk we somehow managed to score a decent team to test out the rides. We chose the best of course- a 5-looped rollercoaster! Normally I would get sick on these things but I had way too much excitement to even let it get to me. This was crazy and such a great ride. We wandered around for a bit and enjoyed the atmosphere and scenes. Back to Stoke for yet another excellent night. I honestly didn’t know how I was going to last another day.

For our final day at Oktoberfest we had lost half our team. Too many were hung over and a few had only managed to just squeeze Oktoberfest into their trips and were already at the airport ready to fly out (right now I wished I was there with them) but we powered on and gave it another go. Today, a little more suttle but somehow the messiest of them all. Whilst nothing major happened we all seemed to just sway today, so drunk that we couldn’t do much more than drink and order some more! WE managed to shove some food in to sober us up and when Dani and Nat headed to Maccas and home Toma and I opted for the roller coaster again and grabbed something to eat from the stalls. We headed home to change and meet everyone at Stoke but my next memory was in my pyjamas and in bed. My body had said no so unfortunately that was it for me. How people do this for the whole festival I don’t know! They are crazy.

Oktoberfest you were great and really showed us how to have a crazy send off party with all the friends we met along the way. That’s it. Summer is over. Done but not anywhere nearly dusted. There are still so many places that I want to visit and living in London makes it a hell of a lot easier. Until next time Oktoberfest!

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